Unlock your Business Potential

Gap Analysis

Potential Unlocked has many years of experience in conducting gap analysis on an organisation's business management system; whether it is aligned to ISO 9001, business excellence framework, award guidelines, or an industry-based management system.

A well planned gap audit and report provides management with information on where the business is going well and where the gaps are, for example:

  • Are we meeting customer and any legislative, regulatory requirements?
  • Have we identified all our business risks and are they being managed?
  • Is our management system working for us and is being used and understood?
  • Are we measuring and monitoring the right things?
  • Are we getting the results we expected? If not, why not?

Understanding the status of your management system is particularly critical prior to an organisation going for ISO 9001 certification or re-certification, applying for funding, applying for quality or other awards.

Let us help you feel more comfortable next time you are interviewed by your certification or funding body, or applying for an award, by booking a gap analysis.